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31.3.08 @ 5:48:00 PM

on on on saturday,29th?went to pp with yanjie & kevin then shearin came along.me & kevin wanted to buy yanjie a birthday prezzie cos her bday was like on the 24th?so we're like damn late [;then we bought her this lollipop ! (:BIG BIG lollipop that can cover your whole face lah?maybe 2 faces[; [; HAHA (:we let her choose what she wanna buy but she dono so kevin suggested on buying that lollipop lor.then went to macs have lunch with shearin when she came. met yuli, derek & another guy. LOL.then we like took lotsa pics in macs with that BIG thing :D & kevin and yanjie played with chilli.yanjie like used the chilli and rub against her hand lahhh " yuck yuck "then on sunday, got band prac.after that went to kevin's brother, kenley bday party.had buffet, then we like make our own choc ice cream :Dmet giovanni there and took pics :Dthen today went to school, thought i lost my chinese textbook luh.then bought a new one. went home, realise it's still there, dammit.at school during mr soh's lesson. i forgot to bring my english textbook so shared with annette.then we like keep talking & talkingg..then annette one time she took off the tape from her table top then it was like damn loud.then mr soh say " annette & sharon, please stop slapping each other " LOL.he was like totally picking on me for the whole lesson. yanjie is also damn pissed.HAHAHA! :Dahhhh.need to mugg for the chinese & maths test tmrw :X fcukkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

me & yanjiee :D hahaha.my top :Deeyyer, me & kevin snatching for that lollipop :D teehees.me & yanjie behind the lollipop, its bloody huge :Dhaha, yanjie took this picturee :D during band prac :Di design one ehh. :D :D :D but not that nice. hahaha!me, nicola & shearin :Dthree of us again :Dme & nicolaaa :Dgiovanni :D


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn