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21.5.08 @ 11:13:00 PM

had band yesterday May 20 :D
drills till 6 againn,
but also went to ECP to BEACH CLEAN, wth wth la.
we didnt really pick rubbish at all, cos keep making fun of the "jerome's bounce"
hahahaha ! all of us agree that he does "the bounce" when he is super duper happy.
then he just keep "bouncing" and say "yes, yes ! omg yeah "
hahaha ! then we so mimicked everything & changed it to " oh yeah, baby yeah " :D :D :D
then on the way back from ECP, rays keep emphasizing that.
i will say " oh yeah " then rachel & annette " baby yeah "
and we laughed till siao la, totally siao.
cos we did all the actions also. hahaha !
today went to discovery centre, watched the 2D show on the Everest, was kinda cool luh :D
then got this bus tour around the cadets thing.
the guide said that we were too early, if we come down at around 5 in the evening, we girls can see those topless hot guys in the field soccer-ing :D hahaha !
then annette was like "can we come here without the school next time? then we come during evening then can see those hot guys"
jerome was like "if you come here everyday uh, then you tired of seeing pacs, then want to see belly already" hahaha !
on the way back to the bus when going back to school, we saw those cadets walking pass all of us la, then annette kept staring but she said she cant find anyone that was hot ! gahhh xD
then tmrw have the bazaar thing :D
today did so much preparation with class people {:
after coming back from learning journey, didnt get a chance to witness the investiture, cos gotta go for the leadership forum -.-
then after they finish watching the investiture, rays went to the girl's toilet to fill up the water bags. then the guys wait outside for us to finish then put in class . hahaha !
jerome gotta leave at 3 for the banglore thing. so left 4 of us :D
do until we were super pissed as so many of them leaked badly.
then the whole class is like now all wet, hope the water will evaporate by tmrw or doom :X
& also hope the air from the bags wont escape, if not no fun D:
after we finished those in school, they came to my hs and do some more things luh.
like do the vanguard and crap. me & yanjie went to toilet and do all the water balloons for the marketing shit.
but it's different from the water bags luh. we got like 400 actually, but i think its do damn damn freakin lousy maybe left with 100 only. haha !
& i didnt even know how to tie it after filling it up with water so yanjie did all the tie-ing then i do all the filling up :D
our fingers are all like super duper pain now D:
we were like all hoping that tmrw will be like successful or something.
& my sis's class doing the candy floss thing, then they just realise that the machine works super slow also D:
then after we did all the bazaar stuff, already 6 i think.
they went home then my family had dinner in this korean BBQ thing cos tmrw dad's going back indo.
& this saturday i also going back D: D: D:
cant hang out with friends already luh.damn !
coming back on the 8th but going to taiwan with kayl they all on the 10th. super tight schedule. & from yesterday i've been trying to beat kaini's & sirong's record in the typing shit.
maybe kaini can lah, but sirong cant laa ! 129 leh D:
will upload piggs tmrw i think.
want to sleep soon, later waking up at 3 to watch soccer match :D
man utd - chelsea .

TAG replies :D

RACHEL : haha ! striked off, & your leg is always out :D yeah and i got the pic also, but its super duper not nice D: & dont WHATEVER me rachel {:
WENNA : oh okay :D just keep trying luh. i always do that :D
KAINI : godd ! will try to beat you SOON. give me time {:
NICOLA : haha ! patient-ing :D & haha ! you cant be suay-er than me, everytime i say something wrong uh, there will be a teacher behind me without me realising & wth, so ps :X and all the negative things that i do all kena caught one these few days :X
CINDY : 53 good luh :D :D :D but its lousy lah you ! your other subs good what :D
SIRONG : {: thanks !

PS : i miss you like crazy


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
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By month:
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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn