miss you so
9.2.09 @ 9:01:00 PM
LAST DAY OF CNY D; D; D;in gramps house now with cousins having family gathering!so excited la, gonna have class tee and COUSINS teeeeee :Dmust make both before camp xDbut they say kota tinggi damn lousy sia, shizz.gt 24.5/25 for maths. woohooooo ^^highest ! yipee ya ya xDlol, me & teresa always fail our sci experiments sia.got burn the retort stand before, broke the conical flask, etc.all fail ;\ heh. okay so random :)so the other day road run was fine, lol.went with batch mates, had last minute council duty.wa lao, da vinci won -.- ugh. bulllshit la.heck ah. still got alot more events.im super lazy to post la. idk wth to post now.i want my class + cousin tee NOW.
bye :)
the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.