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8.4.08 @ 9:48:00 PM

DAMN lazy to blog laaaa ! teehees :D
boring laa.everyday will be band what )):but this will end like damn soon. SYF coming on 120408 what :D
cant wait for it to be over & cant wait for us to win the best display band again ! woohoo !
& i didnt go for band on Monday? cos like have tuition at home cos mid year coming and dont really need to be there for prac cos im the reserve for auxi :D so i hope no one gets injured or anything so i can just sit with the school and watch the SYF. no need to anything.
cos the venue is like in the national stadium so its like lots of people going and it will be damn embarrassing & scary laa !
then my mum was damn disappointed i not joining SYF :x
then that time on friday got health checkup thats why cant go for PE & then also wasted english period.
so spelling was cancelled & actually need to do spelling today then mr soh never come so change to friday.
learn for nothing uh !
then so many tests coming up. like geog is on this thursday and today had chinese ! Think I fail laa?
Hahah !then next week still got history test.HOPE i will do well for mid year mann !
& i WANT a guitar ! ((: but mum thinks im joking. hahaha !
then that time in school jerome like sort of put his leg under the table there.
again, cant wait for SYF to be over & thank ZHIYI for teaching maths & wanting to help teach geog ! yay :D my geog sucks and his was A2. walaoo ! gotta study mann !
if you gettit, you would it is rude laa. then i was like " jerome, why you putting your leg there? damn sick you know " then he was like " oh ): i thought it was sexy " its CRAZYY mann !
then like ya, today mr soh didn’t come then need to do some essay.
thought we could slack laa.chan ho came in and asked us to do.
seriously no mood to do so I think im gonna fail or smth?:D
today band prac didn’t do anything cos rain like siao ! :D
& like i’ve just learn how to make my own theme. cool mann :D
teehees.tmrw like.. Have to leave school earlier then go band prac at i think national stadium.
till maybe around 3, then come back school practice again. oh goshhh !

yanjie wanted to take the pic and i look funny ! :X

annette sharon, during health checkup ! [:

me & annette during music lesson ! darnn boring :D

funny laa.

teresa & chelsea ! AHAHA ! :D

grey shoelaces :D

love over stuffs?

& yes, ILY<3


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn