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3.6.08 @ 10:29:00 PM

hey people :D
today need to wake up so early, then became like so bad mood,
so daddy gave me a big hug :D i want more hugs anyway, i know im greedy ! :D
cos mum made me go with her and dad to see the house she bought.
bro also went. but dad going back to semarang tmrw.
and my fam, shearin's, nicola's, frandi's family going out, together (=
kevin left for china D: damn him lah !
so went to see the house, its in a condo lah, so its kinda small.
but nice luh, got mini market in the basement and stuffs.
there will also be 2 malls between it in future :D
after that dropped winston to meet jansen at nano, a place for massaging their legs & shoulders.
crazy people. so young already want to be massage-d. grandma was also there with them.
so i went home, ate chips while watching juno.
its nice lah, really nice :D
after that went for lunch with gramps/
then went home. chatt-ed, fs-ed and blah blah blah ,
asked renee to help me do some editing of photo's.
thank you x3 !
around 5.30? dropped winston, jansen & his dad ( my uncle ) :D to the futsal place.
then i fetched mum and dad from her very own office :D
just made last year i think.
dad was like helping her talk to the new accountant cos the old one left just like that.
teach the new one everything. my dad also said he's like an all rounder or something? haha !
cos he's like the CEO of his own company, then someone told him he can do what a plumber does, and now he's "interviewing" an accountant. but, he cant cook D: he dont do housework D:
hahaha.anyway,most dad's dont.
then we all went to the futsal place.
on the way, was talking about floods.
cos everyone like said jakarta gonna flood soon.
and the driver also said that the water somewhere already rised 1m.
then my dad was like "only 1m? why dont 5m straight away? heh"
godd, what a funny dad.
dont know why, but he's like super high today. haha !
reached the futsal place in 15mins.
watched guys play, for 1h.
wasn't that boring though :D
my brother scored 3 goals ! woohoo ! {:
i think, since his grades are super lousy, he should just soccer all his life :X teehees !
gonna end now, wanna play some car shit in the xbox 360 with michael.
just now tried, was super hard to control, not like daytona D:
gay in action !

♥ says:
oh , so you gay with bryant :D
♪нγгίέ .when passion's a prison you can't break fr, says:
♪нγгίέ .when passion's a prison you can't break fr, says:

♪нγгίέ .when passion's a prison you can't break fr, says:
but he liar, he love faiz ah.
♥ says:
haha ! aww, so sad. he's two timing you :D

goodbyee now ! :D
cant wait for taiwan ! & im still going band camp ! but on the 19th cos just reached singapore from taiwan on 18th ! will be super tired D: sigh.

PS : Daddy's precious ; Mummy's gem x3 !


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
monday, 02 june 08. dear diary ,,, woke up late to...
morning went to have breakfast with whole family, ...
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By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn