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6.6.08 @ 11:22:00 PM

i seem to be blogging everyday :X
tmrw going back singapore !
but still cant attend band prac cos will be arriving at around 5+ & band ends at 6+
haiyo, dont think can get into percussion lah.
dumbshit laa, arghhhhh. fishballs.
will be there till 10th, before i leave for taiwan ! :D
went to frandi's family house warming party today.
then the adults sat one car, children sat one car.
with my brother, nicola's brother and nicola.
and the driver, who claims he knows the way but dont even know.
and my mumw as like uper worried cos no adults in the car.
& she kept calling and calling.
then ofcourse they reached earlier than us.
shearin and giovanni were there long long ago.
so ate lunch, then looked around the condo.
after that was played a little of cards, taiti, yeap.
and i always lose laa in that game, cos i dont use my brains.
just put down any card :X
after that we were like bored, so decided to go to a mall.
cos the guys were swimming, and we didnt want to.
so on the way to the mall, it was like jam jam jam, as usual.
slept while listening to jesse mccartney's songs x3 !
then finally reached laa. actually wanted to watch shutter.
some scary horror movie shitxzx.
but of course i dont dare right.
shearin, nicola & giovanni actually wanted D:
so since tmrw im going back, shearin & nicola watching next week i think
cos i dont watch horror movies and stuffs or i wont sleep tonight,
so we arcaded alot alot mann.
like for 2h ehh? haha !
no daytona, so played need for speed .
won 3 of them :D teehees !
yipeeeee {: love driving yo .
then ddr-ed and stuff laa ! drum thing also.
and more more more (=
my eyes is also swollen, right eye, arghhs, can see in all the pics D:
just realise that hong kong time is like 1h before indo time.
means 2h before singapore time. yeah.
after arcade, went to mcdonalds. ate abit.
then went to bookstore, shearin&nicola bought comics.
and i hate comics woman. bought some stationaries for school.
its effin cheap mann ! compared to singapore.
but didnt really have time to buy alot cos mum was already fetching us.
on the way right, i was like asking my mum " call shearins mother lehh, ask if we eating dinner together "
then she's like " calling, im your assistant meh? " haha !
so i replied " assistant to be i think ? :D "
teehees ! she wasnt angry la duh.
so alas, went for dinner together, me & shearin shared,
nicola & gio shared. cos we were kinda full for the mcdonalds fries.
& kevin said ! he would win me in daytona, like as if :D
and he said i dont use jeans cos im so girly, retarded laa !
i use la, for gods sake. he's being crazy luhs !
& now, my brother, as in real brother, nothing better to do,
and he is singing by himself. craziness :D
in the restaurant, we played a card game called " om "
hahaha ! something like the name game if you dont know.
or, something like snap, yeah.
i own in that game, yay ! :D
played twice each with them and i won , hahaha !
today , kinda fun lah !
jansen was suppose to go to singapore tmrw, but changed flight to today.
& my brother just said " pen is mighty-er than sword "
and asked me wahts the meaning of that -,-
didnt know he was so cheeem. it means what word is mighty-er than weapon.
lol ! thats all for todayayay.
got to go nows , byebye ! :D

replies (;
howard: haha ! thanks? :x
renee: yea love you too womann ! you stay chio&hot ! * melts * x3 !
wintersnow: was like just blog hopping, you BK isit? :x
kaylie: its really a super duper long tag. haha ! yeah yeah, i stole jansen ! returning him to you today :D its brother love, sister ! hahah ! we're just being crazy by calling each other crazy stuff you know, cos im single and you're not thats why you cant call hc HONEY ;D yeah * can see you tomorrow i hope ! got sherlyn there, and heard youre sort of grounded ! hahaha ! no more "projects" ha? :D & I DONT WANT TO SEE THE VIDEO, LEST I GET JEALOUS LIKE YOU ! arghh ! haha, okay la, will watch next time D: and i think im returning you a super duper long tag reply also :D love you more than words can say x3 !
stranger: wth , who are you. and ahh, i dont care & idk also.
rachel: i meann ! you shouldnt say anything that you sense a fight was gonna happen dude, coming back tmrw, relaxx :D and yea, miss you too, & cow & yan ! {:
bertrand: hello ! linked yo.
hansol: haha, yea i guess x3 !
ivan: oh okays ! :D

ultimate hotness x3 !


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn