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15.8.08 @ 8:39:00 PM

exams are over, gosh.
then like come back home nothing to do, hah.
got back geog results !
14/25 ! highest jerome jeromeeee 16.5/25.
jerome pro la. lit king then now geog also. hah.
must beat him in the rest ;p
then ian, 1st in class for CA, this time only got 8/25. then he know my results, was like "have you ever failed in your life before?"
crazy la. ofc. p5 whole year fail maths. hah. but now its better, much better :D
and in the whole class 17 pass, so 24 failed. hahaha.

then i also got ask peng fei how much he got for geog.
he said 11.5. then i was like okay.
after that went to tchrs table look at results la,
cos everyone was crowding there. then saw peng fei only got 5 !
WTF. bullshitter. last in class lor, still want act so much -.-
then i go ask him then after i say i saw the list, he got nothing to say, give that ps look. hah !
cant wait to get back the rest of the papers.
so today school was alright, lit was also okay.
after school, rashidah, hajar, hakim & me slacked in the canteen.
then hakim took my phone to his mosque for prayers without even telling me.
wthh. then keep finding my phone like what. then yeah. when he came back give me back -.-
anyway, gna get iphone 3G with sis i guess. dad also wants. haha :)
oh yeayy.
sec 2 oral finished at 2+. decided to go lunch with some of the perc ppl.
at last only me, rashidah, hajar, hakim and yingzheng went.
damien was supposed to go. he wanted to go home . hah.
so went to kallang kfc, ate there, gossiped like hell.
till 4+ then didnt want to make so much in kfc, so went to the bus stop. no one was there.
only us, then everyone was like playing the drum rolls and everything.
haha, cos also waiting for erfi, he coming after his oral(:
while playing all the drum beats, all the cars and buses might have thought that we're crazy la !
hah. cos they were like sitting on the floor -.-
i sat on the "railings", cos was super tired and started to stone dont know for what reaons.
after erfi came, chatted a while and everything. went to wait for the bus to go pp, lol !
one bus passed us -.- use their hands like rubbed against the shelter, got so much dust then slammed it on my shirt.
now got alot of handprints siol.
then erfi's wallet zip got prob, so coins keep dropping out. then he got throw his coin to hajar la. then in her shirt. ahaha !
& they keep saying im slow. omg omg omg. okay maybe i admit it la. cos like i keep saying "huh?" "what did you say?" "i dont know". yeah , these 3 phrases. hah!
boarded the bus, then actually wanted to go home, dont want go pp with them.
felt so down for no reason. then they asked me stay so just go pp lo.
when reached there, maid and bro was like there, going to go home already. then rashidah treated me and erfi bubble teaa :D
so after that went home, they stayed there.
tmrw's band :D
sec 1's gonna reach at 10, mr siao wants to talk to us. maybe about instruments and stuff.
cant wait to play the drum lah, or bells :D prefer snare la actually !
gotta watch some tv :D

they're crazy la la la(:

if everyday was as good as today was,
i cant wait till tomorrow comes.


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn