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5.8.08 @ 3:41:00 PM

yoyoyo ! :D
had so much fun in KL la. especially with perc, oh yay !
super missing those times D:
1st day reach there arnd 1+ then rest then had early dinner, i think.
during the rest period, perc met in 1 room then played cards, eat snacks, sick jokes etc.
changed to full band uni then went to the parade at night, need to play a song and just march all the way, quite tiring. we were late for like 2 plus hours, due to the late coaches. reached back hotel arnd 12+ then slept. super duper tired.
2nd day woke up early had breakfast buffet, in hotel, quite nice (=
then i think ah, forgot la. went to the actual stadium to practice, only for 30mins. so must make full use of the time. cos other bands need to prac there too, yeah.
then walked to the nearby field, to practice. is so big sia, 3 bands can practice together there.
think prac for arnd 2+ hours then come bck to hotel, rest again then at 5 plus then meet again,assemble etc. during rest time as usual la, met with perc and stuff & its always funnnn :D
today got the preliminary round. so went to eat dinner then wait for the time to compete lor.
we're like the 1st band to play la, among 15+ bands. 1st siol :D quite scared at first. but there were much lesser spectators than during syf. after our performance sat at one place and waited for the rest of the 15 plus bands to perform. we're like the only band which uses the british way of marching la. the rest use dci and stuff. at first we thought we at least could get a silver lor. the indo band & thailand band were super gooood lah. they come singapore for sure the rest of us die laa. lol. so when they announce we only got bronze, i started to cry sia, but got some other bands got cop lah. but bronze is still.. , but alumnis and teachers said that it was one of our best performance, and that the judges were all the dci type. so they prefer dci style la. but we still got into the finals cos we're the only band from singapore.
3rd day: woke up abit later, had buffet breakfast in hotel again, then set off to practice, only for 2h+. reached back around 12+, lunch at 1.30. ate with perc again and played till 3+ i think. girls needa do their hair for beret thing with belinda, lucky came earlier. so quite fast finish. during the meal everyone was super sick la. the guys, goshhh. hahahaha. but laughed like hell. and i didnt know robert and kamarul was so sick lah ! ahahah ! i thought was only erfy. omg omg omg. still remembered what they did and said. hahaha. so tonight was the finals. really wanted to get silver, and we got it :D before the band thing yug han made a "speech" a short one la. but was so touching la. alot cried, even damien, heard that owen also. and more. so ofc, everyone was more determined to win. we were the 3rd band to perform this time round. but still need to wait for other bands to finish what. sat with perc etc. then they asked me so many riddles. hard la. and they said im slow. okay fine, admit i am. took 1h+ to guess this "joke". when they announce the results, we got silver, was super happy la. hard to get gold with honours in international comps leh. so we're no longer a bronze band :D tonight was the last night in KL, so everyone wanted to party despite the late hours. reach hotel was already 2am+. then we changed and bathe and stuff then all the perc ppl wet to meet in owens room. played and snacked there. keep playing cards one la. played there till 3+ made so much noise la. so miss razie heard it and came in. asked us all to leave. cos late already. then we left. but this time went to yingzheng's & habib's room. hahaha. we're not gonna sleep so early manxzx. played there again. at 4+ got caught by miss tan. everyone hid like everywhere. some in toilet, cupboard. beside the bed. cos need to keep the cards first. cos cant let teachers know we playing la. after keep then find place to hide, at last nowhere else so hid beside the bed, joel was there also. then heard miss tan say " come out, you all ah, when hiding ah. is noiser than when you all playing ah " but lucky she lenient la. so we all go lor. so late ler, 4+. if teacher never catch we'll be sleeping over at their room man. so after this went back room sleep lor. at 8 met them again for breakfast. after that packed for a while then met at owens room again, till 1015. then fall in, preparing to go back singapore. so saddddd. argh. 6h long eh. the bus ride. somemore not sitting with perc. bullshit. have a few breaks in the middle of the way. planned to have sectional dinner when reach singapore. ahahha. so when reach, asked my maid came get my luggage and stuff then went for dinner at the prata shop behind the school againn. & for the whole trip they were teasing me with yz la. its super crazy.
after dinner took section picture. but yz wasnt it cos he took it for us. hahaha. yeah . had lots of fun during this trip. cant wait for netherlands next year !

with the thailand people :D they won.

from indonesiaa :D

holland one isit? forgot :X

colour guards :D :DKLWMBC'o8 !yingzheng's work. but what they doing siaa? *coughs*guys all not smiling sia, hahah. except damien ehh. coolness :D & yingzheng, improve on your photo sklls. hahahahah ! oooops.

PS. TK Band has nothing to lose ! Percussion'o8/<3


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn