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1.7.08 @ 11:00:00 PM

boo ! :Drifat & owen x3 !yug han's not in the pic yet (: scared of me putting chocs in his face again, teehees !haha, kena smashed but owen & yug hannn !again seh, owen & yug han ! need revenge aye. for yug han :D after cleaning up ! :D still stinking & dirty though. yug han dont dare sit with me ! :D :D :D

omfg omfg omfg. had so much fun today la. wth ! {:
since yesterday have been waiting for this evening manxzx.
after band, waited for all percussionist to be done. then zhangxin pulled my skirt !?
i mean ofc got pants right? (: but the skirt the hook thing broke seh, so cant use anymore. hahaha ! so use pants and stuff. she's crazy man {:
cos owen's bday tmrw so everyone splashed water at him. till he was totally drenched,
after changing his clothes ;p
so percussionist decided to go to pp eat. at first wanted long johns but the place so small,
changed to kfc, yeap. bought our food then me, rifat & waihuin bought cake for owen,
* secretly * though i think he knows already ;p so obvious aye.
after eating finish, rifat & erfi, those 2 jokers ehh :D :D :D !
make me laugh like hell manxzx. we're like laughing gases ;p
then erfi was like " the cow says what " . then zhangxin said " what " . so she's like the cow, you gettit. i didnt get it for a while then after that got it. lol ! :X
rifat, he asked " what colour is my pink underwear? " hahaha ! then we said " pink laa " . he replied " no, its yellow dumbass, pink is the brand " jeeeez :D
laughed like arghhh. undescribable {:
me & rifat planned to smash owen's face with the cake already. so cant do it in KFC.
will be too noisy. went to near macs there, the playground. yeap.
ask owen cut cake. hahaha ! he knew he was gonna get smashed i think. he kept covering his face.
so we pretended like we didnt want to smash lah ! asked him to cut into smaller pieces.
rifat then just smashed the whole cake on his face * !
it was so super funny. he's face all chocolate. then i took one piece, spread all around his face.
then he took one, wiped it on my face also. gosh. think we smash each other for 15mins++
so duper fun. i wiped it on yug han's & owen's face the most {: till yug han's ear inside haveee :D
hahahaha! everyone stink after that. evreyone dirty like shitxzx la. everywhere also have. erfi's shirt have my handprint {: cos i keep touching the chocolate cake then my hand full of choco then slammed at his back. cooooo; {:
yug han & owen so wanted revenge manxzx. hahaha ! yug han's waiting for my birthday, but still long ;p
then wanted to go back home, nobody using same bus as me, so i use cab lah.
so long then come. like it took me 20 mins. and it was duper late already.
mum kept calling and stuff, told her i got 2 friends with me :X actually not.
reached home at 9.30+ then bathed IMMEDIATELY. stink manxzx.
even my bag got chocolate, oh ya ! and the playground now is full of the chocolateee ;p
cant clean everything up :X
maybe tmrw shcool receive complaints.hehe.perc then will die (: together.
we're super notorious ;p
gotta up load piggs :D leslie and some others were'nt in the pics D:
leslie is cos he ran home when i was trying to put chocs on his face ;p
he ran home manxzxz !
then all along my phone was spoilt cos i splashed water at owen when the phone was on my hand -,- didnt know. not okay already. yipeee xD
especially YUG HANS (:& happy early birthday OWEN ! 30 more mins till 15 {:


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn