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26.11.08 @ 7:47:00 PM

Yesterday went pool with Bowen, Shengzhi, Rashidah, Hakim.
Then Erfi came(:
Byeong Gyu was suppose to come lor, in the end went to Dylans' house.
So now he owe me a game of bowling, hah :B
Had dinner with Rashidah, Hajar, Hakim and Erfi at my house.
They went home around 8, i was super tired, ugh.
Went to bed around 11.30? Cant sleep seh, until dont know how late, dangg.
Sleeping alone sucks sucks sucks ):

Today must wake up so early ! 8.30 D:
Cos Percussion came to my house, to do the sec 4's farewell presents.
Hajar, Hakim, Damien, Joel, Yingzheng, Owen and Zhangxin came, i think :x
Left for school around 1130. Went to meet my farewell group for some preparations.
Thought it would be screwed, but it okay okay la.
* Stage fright :x :x :x
Freaked out like hell. Especially 2nd time when the whole band saw my group, cos we were the last group :o
Dismissed at 4.
Hajar, Hakim, Esther, Huiying, Kevin, Waihuin came, all the sec 1s came :D
Damien, Joel, Yingzheng came, all the sec 2s also came, hah :D
Owen, Robert, Joyce came, not all sec 3s, lol.
But yay, we finished all the presents ! Super satisfied(:
Guess it was a success, right? :B
Then Owen went to read Joel's chat log, damn bad sia.
But found out some secrets aye, hahaha, he super unlucky :x
Haha, deleting all mine now xD
They stayed till 7 ah, i think. Heh(:
Had dinner, now watching American's got talent(:
Weirui and Sherlynn asked me to pay for the batch 2011 chalet -.- !
They say all of them cash-strapped, hah.
I maybe wont even be going to the chalet luh, still in indo, sorry guys ):
You all have fun lor, if you all going, hehxz :D
Band concert in 07 Days :D Going back indo in 08 Days :DD
Yay, i had fun :B


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
21 st November.Twilight was suppose to come out to...
had council camp on 17th and 18th.lol, also had ba...
shit i dont feel like posting.bye.
Today, had tuition only for 1h30mins.then rashidah...
Yesterday watched the 10pm show sia, till 11.30+.M...
hellllloxzx.band yesterday :Dlast masterclass aaye...
yipeee, today had section outing, super fun yah :D...
Haven been blogging,super lazy :xPictures of Chris...
okay, so band again today(:but at 1. haha. went ea...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn