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12.11.08 @ 9:28:00 PM

yipeee, today had section outing, super fun yah :D
its like from 10.30-8pm?! even longer than band hours. hahaha.
yanjie also followed(:
so met yanjie, hajar, hakim, waihuin and owen at 9.40 at paya lebar mrt,
surprisingly, erfi came too :D he finished his o's. hahaha.
so went to vivo, waited for the others at candy empire.
went to buy sec 4's farewell present. need to buy 6, in the end only 3. haha.
cos cant decide what :x
so the sec 2s need to go and buy themselves another day. heh.
bought lunch then proceeded to sentosaaaa :D
it was so hot, omg. ate there first, then change, then played freesbe !
the other group lost, so joel must be "buried"?!
hahahal, yeah. got alot of pics, super cool and funny and, undescribable.
after that, damien also kena, hahaha ! his one was much worse i guess xD
& he kept fidgeting, so must redo and redo, hyper-active. hahaha !
after that started to throw damien into sea, whooo.
damien really damn, suay sia. hehe
i was like sitting 50m away from the sea,
then damien pull me all the way to the sea and throw me there sia.
gosh. i need revenge (!!)
then habib pushed everyone to the sea, except him. hah.
they tried to catch him, but to no avail. haha ! he ran to the "forest", siao la :D
played freesbe in the water then.
started to drizzle, wtfffffff. spoil the entire thing la.
got heavier, so get out of water. some needa go home.
then when was changing and everything, left my phone in the toilet!
ahhhh, maybe 5 mins later then found out. haha xD
lucky found it back, teehee.
at last after everything, left me, yanjie, hajar, huiying, owen, hakim, waihuin, erfi, kevin and yingzheng.
went back to vivo. was uber tired. leg super pain and stuff. haha.
bought present for miss ng(masterclass teacher :D)
a teddy bear from mini toons. haha.
after that decided to go marina square, wanted to bowl. so go there lo.
reach there, then yz need to go home already. so left the rest. haha.
check out the bowling there, but too ex, so didnt play.
went to have dinner, then chat alot la. laughed alot also xD
talked about next year's comp and stuff.
next year gonna be damn tough man.
april SYF indoor, july netherlands comp.
then they keep teasing me with some people la. aghh.
its not even true, gosh. and it all started with kevin teo, damn him.
owen teased me the most, so i "bashed" him, hahahah xD
super fun, hehehe.
they were still teasing me when i got off the mrt la ! hah.
i want percussion chalet (!)
dropped off at kembagan then aunt fetched me home :D
so tmrw band again!
last day of masterclass ):
according to owen,
band start at 9, then sec 1's & 2's have combined in studio, sec 3's have combined in another place.
followed by sec 2's and 3's combined, sec 1's have combined alone.
lunch :D
sectionals all the way till masterclass :D then go home. hah.
i feel like screwing owen & damien{:

*joel ! (look at damien, ew xD)

haha, all thanks to damien :D

yay, we got out revenge(=

hahaha, "taupok" him (!!!) damien, owen, joel, yz, habib :D

haha. break free xD

got caught again, thrown to sea, aww.



the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
Haven been blogging,super lazy :xPictures of Chris...
okay, so band again today(:but at 1. haha. went ea...
band today(:first hour or so warm ups as usual. ha...
haven been blogging for a long time(=went to ntuc ...
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so yah, today had band :Dat 9, had sectionals till...
Sunday, went to bugis, with kaylie, at around 2.sh...
oh correction, last time was my 98th post,so now i...
my 100th post :Dyesterday went home straight after...
haha, i changed everything yeah.first time seh, ch...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn