CA's are over :)maths tody was okay la. minus-ed like 0.5 makrs :\want to try get 35/40 sia. dont think can ): ): ):then chinese was like, slipshot work, anyhow do lah. camp next week. :) and ):i think its like, gna be fun, and class gna be more bonded than ever.but the sad thing is that, its gonna be super super super dirty :\heard that the toilet got shit on the wall, im dead ah.& im gna bring this luggage xD hahahaha. if backpack then so heavy.but people will think i siao :x heh.mum actually wanted to buy me a new luggage, then i was like for camp?
hahaha. i was like anyway it will be super dirty so after this one broken then buy xD
got band tmr. on friday masterclass and on sat band, and i dont understand the freaking light subject :\