What the hell,
I aimed for 68% for CA, then got 68.1% ?!
Lol, got to try harder for the SAs D:
Shitter, Marcus highest in class again, 70.1%.
Wa lao, at this rate, doubt can go B/D :\
Tmrw parent's teacher meeting!
Hope teachers don't say bad stuffs :)
And we got out ez-link card today :D
The pic was so freaking unglam ):
Primary school picture.
Had such a freaking long day today.
After school had sectionals till 5+, then went for tuition at Bedok.
Supposed to have another tuition after that but mum told me to cancel it :)
Reached home at only 8, lol.
Am so freaking not happy.
Success is like science;
If you have the conditions,
You get the result.