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7.5.08 @ 11:14:00 AM

kaylie edited all my pics :D ! love it lotts (:
nice nice nice right? :D most of the pics were taken during chloe's birthday luh :D
exams ending, actually we take it as exams have ended as tmrw is chinese paper 2.
not gonna learn anything about it lahh ? teehees !
the on friday going to kallang leisure to bowl and skate with 1dee-ans :D
then kevin and his cchms people also going, say what want to vs us in bowling.
hmphh, we will win la alrights , hehe.
just came back from lucky with yanjie, rachel and the rest.
yanjie's still here now , just now when on the way back need to cross road with rach & yan, then cross halfway then got like so damn many cars so must stand in the middle of the road for dono how long luhh. actually wanted to take pics ! hahaha ! but no time luh :D
then rachel was like " sharon, if i die now also die with you " ,
hahaha ! (: (:
cant wait for tmrw ! woohoo.
today geog was okay.but i guess i screwed maths paper 1 , lit sect a & b.
but whats done cant be undone, so yeah.
cant wait for holidays too ! but cant bear to separate with my dears for the whole month D:
going to china with kayl's fam !
kevin [u]LEE[/u] also going, but sure wont meet him there one lahhh !
then yesterday when yanjie was at my hs, she did this test, which is in her blog now :D
go see luhh ! damn funny :DDD
so just cant wait for tmrw lahhs, but can wait for results :D
& after the lit exams, annette stepped on all the tell-tale <3>
hahaha ! she also stepped on geog file today i guess.


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
this was the band pics luhh. LAZY upload all :DDw...
aiyo ! post pics also dono why cant post.will post...
annette in my hs now ((:later rachel coming ! wooh...
DAMN lazy to blog laaaa ! teehees :Dboring laa.eve...
on on on saturday,29th?went to pp with yanjie & k...
sorry luh people,lazy update :Xon the 18th?cousin ...
just came back from dinner with relatives.played l...
today morning went for breakfast then go to supe...
woohooo !today painted my nails BLACK :DHEHE.today...
busy busy today (:at least better than other norma...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn