day 2 : woke up 630. all the children wore spongebob tees ! went to sunmoon lake, lunch there, went to the temple beside it. kayl says she loves the smell of the ashes. lol. long bus ride to theme park. but this theme park wasnt that good. the 3rd day go to another one. so went back hotel, had dinner then watch some acrobats show. sherlyn said " guys in tights, they're hot " hahaha ! we laughed like siao. the ang mors perform, super hot. but not cos of the tights -.- went back hotel watch miami ink then zzz.
day 3 : breakfast-ed, change hotel to the one beside the theme park then went to theme park. wanted to go water park too but cant cos need to use the cap and we didnt have and stuff la. some of the rides were also closed down so we lazy lo. in the theme park i didnt really take alot of rides cos its super scary and im sorta afraid, so no. take bullet train go another place got another night market, a better one. bought clothes, greeeeen heels(: watch miami ink before we go to zzz again (:
day 4 : overslept ! got scolded & didnt get to breakfast. but lucky ours was private tour ;) boys said breakfast wasnt good, phew. went to some temple, climb so many stairs. tiring seh. went to beach for lunch. took alot of jumping piccs. but all is in kaylie's camera, she haven send yet D: sherlyn thought one guy was super handsome but i think he is super ugly, different taste ;p got a 4h bus ride to the luminous hot spring hotel. played lame games during the bus ride & karaoked in the bus. kept playing basketball in the hotel. cos they got the machine and free internet ! this is the best hotel la ! also went to the hot spring nearby the hotel ! watched miami ink then zzz :D always miami ink (:
day 5 : woke up 6+ due to early morning call. played basketball again. went to the gorge, where got all those marbles and rocks. not the small ball marbles we play ahh -.- quite nice la. but it was raining. walked 1km + . after that went to the jade fact. bought dad & gramps present there cos next day was fathers day. girls each bought a crystal necklace. went to 7/11 buy stuffs to party at night while poker ;p haha. bought too many stuffs manxzx. slept in this so called shangrila farm, but its not even shangrila standard -.- cos its like high up the mountain so got lots of mosquitos and insects. played fireworks and some bubbles thing. lol ! that night no miami ink i think. cos weekend D:
day 6 : fathers day, went to stone park, see the queens head thing. more of geog. went to some market. got the smelly tofu again. everywhere got la. taiwan famous for that or something. shopped abit. everyone was playing handphone games cos so not nice the place. went to taipei 101, currently the highest building in the world till the one in dubai is built. bought a shirt from french connection there. just realised it was too ex after buying it, around $90+ . sheeeez, took pics with shopping bags but its all in kaylie's camera ! arghh ! D:
day 7 : woke up 8+ , went to this lover's bridge thing. say what can find true love there or you
day 8 : went to this hotel first. just see, cos its like kinda nice or dont know what lah. then go airport.went back singapore. still buy stuffs in airport =)
reach singapore, still need prepare for camp ! super super tiring.
so camp was alright lah. only at night was fun, ofc. games what.
morning and afternoon all is practice. its suppose to be a training camp, not fun camp D:
2nd night, night walk. just realise ying zheng is such a coward :D :D :D teehees !
sherlynn even more brave lor ! went in the toilet herself. haha ! i was super freaked out, seriously. but the night walk haven end they made us sleep cos i think they scared the practice next day will be tiring. left early on the 3rd day cos got some family gathering. went to cineleisure. watch when a stranger calls in emax. so freaky la. me kaylie & stella sat at one corner, keep trying not to watch. sherlyn sat alone at the other side eating popcorns ! hahaha !
not scared one lah ! then at night dinner-ed. callista chloe christopher came back ! :D