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9.6.08 @ 11:59:00 AM

yesterday, 080608 !
morning, went to pp to meet kayl with sherlyn, winston & stella,
going to cineleisure to watch kung fu panda & guys also wanted to emax.
cos we'll be meeting jansen & joey there also.
had lunch in sakae sushi ! then after that immediately went to cineleisure.
was kinda late though, so ce angel bought the tix for us first.
reached cineleisure then walk around la, then saw this booth,
what selling tattooes and hair extension and stuff.
me & kayl decided to do the tatoo (!)
it was last around 1-2 weeks :D
so she did the bat one then i did the rose one xD
i love it lots lots ! & sherlyn did hair extension. lol !
at last i also did la. the curly & brown one,
its like opposite of my actual hair, straight & black :D
but its not that obvious, so later going out again maybe doing it somemore .
but actually its like super long la, but i cut it until it was abit below my actual hair ,
so wont look so weird. lol !
then after watching, guys went to arcade a while.
after that, meet adults in the singapore flyer thing.
didnt take it la, just had dinner & fish spa there ;D
me,sherlyn,kaylie,stella & jansen ordered like an aglio olio each.
then actually got 5 plates, at last didnt finish 2. leftovers, as usual.
so we gave the adults (!)
then went to walk around, waiting for them to finish dinner so can do the fish spa together !
its like putting your leg into a " pond " full of fishes la,
but all is small & identical fishes . lol !
same breed la ! they say what can relieve stress etc.
but when you put it in, its like super ticklish ! ahhhh.
they're jut like sucking your dead skin away.
so your leg will be like cleaner & smoother and stuff.
its like super ex, but we just like wanted to try. so yea.
cant wait for taiwan tomorrow ! :D :D :D
& yest night kayl slept over. watched juno, for the second time (=
then we slept at 2+ i think.
cos was like planning to sleep at 1, then kaylie was hungry,
so we ate tuna & bread outside xD
then went back in the room, talk about girl's stuff till 2 plus.
listened to taufik batistah's song the one last thing.
yeah (:
& i got into percussion, goshhhh ! x3 !
taiwan's tmrw, but there's band prac tmrw also, i cant attend D:
got band camp on 18th, going only on the 19th, cos coming back from taiwan on 18th.
so band people ! tell me what to bring for camp etc etc yeap (:
will upload piggs tonight. got to go now ;) !


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn