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28.6.08 @ 10:03:00 PM

had band today :D
fun like heaven ! hehee,
morning prac till 1245 i think. then had lunch.
watch video in auditorium, got passing down of band masters.
hope mr azlan will come back often in future ! i prefer mr azlan to mr seah or smth.
percussion went for sectional lunch. we 16 people go there, no place to sit.
so the person like put 3 tables outside the restaurant. not even a proper place to sit.
haha ! ate in this roti prata place ! everyone ordered prata.
rashida ordered chocolate prata ! hahah ! thenxzx, hajar ordered roti tissue or smth.
erfy then said " why you want eat tissue? want handkerchief not? " hahaha !
he such a joker laa :D so sad he leaving next year D:
some guys only ordered 1 then after eat order again. suppose to assemble in school by 1.45.
but when the food came, already like 1.20. and not all the food came. some came at 1.30 and stuff. ate till 1.50 i think. super super late lah ! walked slowly somemore to school. hehe !
we rock shitxzx ! cos percussion got yug han, band major, leslie, qm :D
when reach near the school, front gate there, pretended to runn, hahahaha !
everyone fall in liao ! hahaha ! we like duper dead. when go up, they going to fall out already.
our whole section got punished after the practice, 6.45 like that. suppose to leave at 6.40.
then 6.45 still kena punished. after that splashed water at yingzheng, his birthday today :D
during lunch we bought cake for him already, actually wanted to eat during lunch.
but already super late. haha ! so cut and everything after band prac.
percussion left in school till 7+. mdm nora keep chasing us out. haiyo.
luckily ying zheng brought change. after he wash his face still got the chocolate. hahaha !
owen, erfy, rifat and some other guys went to eat dinner, others went home.
reached home 7+ already. had so muachhhhh fun today {:
the people inside percussion totally rock la, we laugh like retards ;p
tmrw going out with cousins, vivo maybe? (:



the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn