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24.8.08 @ 9:20:00 PM

so tk band performed in the marina bay on friday and saturday night :)
fireworks festival thing la!
on both evenings, it rained sia. then thought we couldnt perform.
but at last still performed in the drizzle. lol.
first night the fireworks was nice and super long. like 10 mins aye.
second night one was alright la.
2nd night the fireworks was from korea i think. then 1st night i forgot. heh :X
on friday we went there too early i think. when reach there then still got 5 more hours to the performance.

so we practice, then dinner, then waited in the waiting room for kinda long time.
then went out to perform. so many people where there la. thousands. super freaky yeah.
and 2nd night i screwed up, goshhh. screwed up real bad.
and almost everyone bought the thing, to put in the mouth so it'll light up, so when you open your mouth like got light come out. haha. kinda cool, like got blue, green, yellow etc ;)

on sat, percussion had sectional lunch in school, ordered pizza :D
we didnt finish then owen gave trombones, lol, although left 6 pieces only.
then still got some time, so played some game la, like its a sort of "hide and seek" thing. haha.
owen make one. lol. he told everyone to go to one place, he told me go to behind street soccer court there, say what want to sabo hajar and habib. then he told hajar want to sabo joel and joyce.
sia la he. then at last i went to the street soccer court there la, then no one was there. what the hell. hahaha. then luckily waihuin came so both of us like wanted to find the rest.
then find like so long, then saw them all together finding us also. what the helllll. so we gna have forfeit, but luckily haven yet la :D hope they forget already :X
reached home at arnd 2330. bathed then immediately slept, super tired.
and on sat the oral, i think i screw up the picture la. shit shit shit.
today went to vivo with family cos relatives from indo came. then dropped winston to tuition, then went home rest a while, then had dinner with everyone. gramps etc.
tmrw staying back do art project with rashidah & hajar :D
hope dont get caught by val tan again for socks, haiyo.
she made me buy one the other time. dont know buy how many already la la la.

See it’s a chance we’ve gotta take,
Cause I believe we can make this into,
Something that will last, last forever.


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn