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29.11.08 @ 10:30:00 PM

This is gonna be a super super super long post.
Cos so many things have been happening.
*Sec 4 Farewell especially(:
Gave them a board each and presents, haha.
Erfi's present was the funniest la xD Got pictureeees.
Gave Yughan a tshirt, with our drawings and signatures.
Not that bad la xD
Oh yah, and finally the skit is over la, freaking scary la :x
But actually im only the narrator, heh.
Hakim and Azkhairy was like the gays, hah, got super acting skills la they all :D
So on the actual farewell day, Hajar and Joel came my house to help me bring the presents and stuff(:
Had sectionals from 10-12, then had lunch(:
At KFC, the place stinks lo, until when all of us queing up for food, all pinching our nose, Robert was super funny, heh. got pics also :B
So we sat outside(:
Go back school, touch up on presents and bla bla bla, prepare for farewell at night.
Percussion was suppose to be sitting in the middle of the hall lah !
Then some people not happy say why perc so special get to sit in the middle -.-
So at last change back.
Oh yah, and that time so many people were in the hall, then Haziq go pull down kevin's pants.
Hahaha, can see sia! Super embarassing :x
Then we change to our formal clothes and had another rehearsal.
Got one group do please forget the lyrics and then asked me to go on stage and sing, omgeee :x
Chose Fall for You, lucky got it correct, teehee.
Then changed to our formal clothes and slacked, while waiting for the sec 4s to come.
So finished our skit, i swear it was super scary, Hakim thought i'll faint, heh :x
Had dinner after that(: Took alot alot alot alot of pictures with seniors and section :D
And i just realised there are 6 girls and 17 guys in percussion ! :x
Most of them still with seniors la xD Asking them to send me soon(:
Followed by sec 3s performance in the audi, and video for the sec 4, and presenting plagues to them.
Then when perc section went up, sec 1 and 2s perc people stood on the chair and screamed, haha ! Super fun xD
When Azmi spoke, Damien shouted "Rashidah!"
The whole audi heard, hahahaha xD
Then Joel also shout "Rashidah!" for all the perc senior, i bet Rashidah is super embarassed :x
When they were thanking Miss Razie, Joel shouted "Apollo!" Hahaha! Omgeeeee.
Cos they said she took the whole band's Apollo during the KL trip for herself :x
Yeah, so after the whole thing end, met under rotanda again. Took more pics(:
Actually planned to go have supper, it was already 11 plus, hahaha !
We walked till the tkg bus stop already lor, then too late they say, so decided change to dinner today.
So Hajar's mum sent me home(:
I remembered i slept at 0000, hahaha. Very very tired.
Had band today at 10(:
Alot alot ponned, haha. Even SL wake up late ehh xD
Had combined till lunch, then then then, full run through.
Got punished, sec 1s and 2s, cos we made a mess during farewell :x
So ran around tech block 5 rounds, and drills, gosh.
Had dinner at my house, Hajar, Hakim, Joel, Damien, Owen, Erfi(:
Hah! Until i got like 1 and a half decks of card. But like that i know who cheated and stuff, but was still very blur :x danggg.
They went home around 9+ and ya lor, thats all(:
KFC !Eee, Joel go Girls toilet(:Hajar & Rashidah :DSec 1s without Esther, but with Kevin(:Sec 1 Girls Percussionists :BOur crazy art.Gave each of them this :DErfi's !Sec 3s Performance !Azmi SL(:Kamarul!Erfeeee(:Robert xDMr Azlann!Sec 4's xDWith Sec 3s(:Sec 2s :DSec 1s ! :BAzmi and US(:YugHan(:Formal :PInformal(:

My house there xD Coooolio(:

PERCUSSION - Unbelivably Beautiful :D



the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
Yesterday went pool with Bowen, Shengzhi, Rashidah...
21 st November.Twilight was suppose to come out to...
had council camp on 17th and 18th.lol, also had ba...
shit i dont feel like posting.bye.
Today, had tuition only for 1h30mins.then rashidah...
Yesterday watched the 10pm show sia, till 11.30+.M...
hellllloxzx.band yesterday :Dlast masterclass aaye...
yipeee, today had section outing, super fun yah :D...
Haven been blogging,super lazy :xPictures of Chris...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn