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26.8.08 @ 10:48:00 PM

didnt expect home econs to be as fun as today.
hahaha, played so many games. tk was like 2nd among other schools.
clementi town is like first, by alot. shits.
but now become 3rd. cos maris stella high became 2nd. goddd.
then got the drama exams. 50% of the thing.
kinda screwed? or maybe not.but lack of props. lol.
after holidays will do a better one(:
afternoon had band(:
but was late cos got maths olympiad. hehehe.
1.5 hours siol. kidna boring and hard. shitts.
indoor sectionals, played the snare with huiying :D
esther & waihuin played bells. kevin teo played bass drum. hahahaha!
it was so hilarious, god dammit.
it was kinda boring, but yea, in music room, got aircon and stuff. kinda slack la.
lol. then went home arnd 6.30, due to the rain. lol.
went home, dinnered, watched tv,
then sirong ask me do that quiz. which took me so long to do it.
hehehe. spent alot of time spamming yingzheng's blog. hmphh. cos he did it to mine also.
then made him do the quiz :D
and yeah, he did it already. hahahah!
today woke up so early to go school study my stupid ting xie,
at last still got 42/50. lol.
gonna sleep now already la. haiyo. sick about everything.
had a good, as well as bad day.

sorry i just cant accept you,
cos the feeling isnt just right,
and it would never be the same,
like it was before,
lets just stay as friends..


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
1. The person who tag/pass you is?:\ LOW SiRong.2....
so tk band performed in the marina bay on friday a...
190808, had results, science. and chinese i think?...
so yea,today had band :)they re-auditioned us for ...
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120808,dont feel like updating la peopleee.exams a...
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hello peoplee :DKL'S TMRW ! yipee ya ya.sleeping w...
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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn