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20.10.08 @ 8:39:00 PM

haha, i changed everything yeah.
first time seh, change by myself, successfully, heh.
gonna change url, soon i think. lol.
so now its private yeah. only fourteeeen people can view it.
just came back from indo last night.
4 flights in 3 days ?!
wew. super tiring leh, till i fell sick. haha.
thursday left singapore, went to jakarta, reached there at 10+,
very late, ate supper then slept. haha.
next day woke up, went to salon with mum and sis.
just to wash and blow hair la.
then aaron sms, say house leader stuff. haha.
yeah, actually the teacher already told me and sis la, that we're nominees or something.
dont mind being lah. dont be also nevermind right. lol !
left for pontianak in the afternoon, another part of indo la yeah.
took around 1.5h, read twilight the whole way. lol.
it is very very, addictive.
the city is like smaller than semarang! haha.
stayed at the newest hotel there :D
went for dinner immediately, then went back hotel and slacked.
next day, saturday, kaylie and family came.
then at night had the wedding dinner lo. yeah.
1000 people came? lol. everything was okay lah. started to have flu.
gosh. not that bad yet la. then went back hotel, shivered like hell :x
offed aircon and stuff. medicine here and there. lol.
they went for supper but mum stayed with me :)
but i was sleeping too la. lol.
next day also went out for breakfast, cos the hotel food not nice. lol.
so went to eat crab noodles. cant even finish all, was still sick.
then when they went to shop for stuffs, stayed in the car, cos so dizzy i wanted to faint man.
haiyo, was feeling so so bad.
actually mum asked me stay there, as i was leaving to singapre la.
with sis, kaylie, uncles, and aunt. she never go la. thats why actually want me stay in indo,
but no la, need go back school right. hah
so yeah. when reach airport, everything was okay.
fever subsided. lol. left abit of flu. from pontianak to jakarta.
then in jakarta have 1 plus hour to shop before left for singapore.
bought my black heels. haha. the one i've been wanting since a few days ago. lol.
left for airport, boarded plane at 8pm singapore time.
reached home then around 10.30? yeah. unpacked, bathed, etc etc, slept.
went to school tday, boring?!
uh, only afternoon had the lunchtime showcase thing.
morning, everyone was like playing psp, ds all these. lol
beat faiz in once, the other time he won. in some car race game xD
jerome loves mario kart. hahaha !
and got councillor interview?! nevermind, i flunked that. lol
Yk was so good, and joycelyn. sure get in one la.
haha. but i for sure cant. lol. did so badly? hah.
then last Q was like "do you mind wearing black shoes?"
hahaha !
then during lunchtime showcase, the chairpersons need attend some stuff.
some with mr vincent tan, some with mrs goh.
my group was with mr v tan. then got ask for feedbacks like, for the school.
then i was like "i think the teachers shouldnt be so strict on the students attire."
oooooooooooooooooops /:
so yeah. hope tmrw's a better day.
uh, is this all?


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn