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13.10.08 @ 5:54:00 PM

okay, had class chalet last week.
lazy talk about it. hehehe, but it was fun yah :D
refer to RACHEL'S blog(:
quite complete. it was super fun, we bonded, like hell {:
had band on saturday :D
fun lah. hehehe. gonna have masterclass tmrw !
and bong gonna test the sec 1's next week, owh :x
owen said we did quite well for "marching together",
and he gave us alot of breaks, heeeh xD
sunday, hmm, stayed home till evening.
played badminton, with jansen, lyn they all,
today games carnival and family day?
idk what the heck is family day all about? cos no difference yah?
games carnival was bullshit :x
me and lyn lost to some da vinci noob, okay. no offence,
but even annette agreeeeees :)
so yah, me and her gonna take over tara and cindy on wednesday.
doubles again(:
this time, we must win. hah.
going back indo with lyn and parents on thursday night !
brother left here, due to his eoy.
and friday got the champion house thing, and house leader election.
fcuk lah. me and sis are one of the nominees but we not in singapore.
damn damn damn.
miss low, said she'll show our pictures to rutherford, lol.
hope not :x
so tmrw need to pass up the councillor form, dont know what to write leh :x
sheez, contributions to tk?! why wanna be councillor?!
the thought of black shoes, lol :x
okay, so i cant wait for thursday, cos i need a break,
from my crazy life. ahh.
and today, got back results. it was shitty yah.
english, not /100 yet lah. left oral to pull me up?
hahaha, my english not good la, from last time.
now its like for compo and compre, only got 29/55?!
yah. damn, highest for compo is like 17/30. i got 16/20 xD
ms na mark lah. super super strict?! 17 highest? wew.
howard and yong kang tmrw go ask mr soh for marks. haha.
for sure cant get one lah xD
chinese, also another disappointing shit.
60/100?! usually A2, now its like B4?!
i guess i've slacked. fcked up.
went with some classmates to staff room,
find miss heng and mr weeeeeeeeeeeee :D
ask them for science and maths mark!
luckily it made my damn day.
maths- A1, 80.5(:
science- A2, 73.3(:
so happy lah, esp for science. expected to get below 65.
cos it was damn hard. howard got 80, lol, highest.
beat jerome in chinese, maths, and science. yipeeeee.
hahahaha, he smart lah he. lol.
so left with, half english? lol, um, history, geog, lit.
depending on history, geog and lit to achieve my top 5.
maybe this time cannot get lah.
stupid english pull me down like shitxzx.
yanjie, annette and rachel just left my house, lol.
had lunch with rach and annette in hk cafe.
yanjie didnt follow. met her at my house then.
chat alot, rachel sad about her results,
she say if her hist and lit do badly, die already, lol.
so yah, i want to know my results, asap :D


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
so far exams are okay, except science!?gosh, no on...
yesterday,stayed home whole day to mug siol ;xoky ...
I Want To Tell You,so yah. 2 posts in 1 day. kinda...
so changed blogsong. but sr still say not nice.hah...
hi people.SiRONG here.we decided to change pw.how ...
today stayed at home whole day, what the hell.stud...
never had band for a long time ): till exams over....
o6o8o9. had band at 10 :D went there till 4 only c...
back from japannnnnn :)gna blog about it now lah :...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn