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22.9.08 @ 9:52:00 PM

stayed home whole day to mug siol ;x
oky maybe didnt really concentrate? :x hehehe.
haven even start lit, science i think screwed.
ahhh, maths i dont even get that liner graph crap.
D: i dont wanna flunk this time.
top 5 in class? :x forget it.
damn scared siaa. haiyos.
okay. then today during "free period",
annette was like emo-ing. telling all her stuffs. lol.
cheeeeeer up la :DD
then rach, annette and yj came my hs study ;D
yanjie only stayed till 3 cos got piano lessons.
so left with 3 of us. lol. we studied la? hahaha.
did mr soh's homework. and did the victoria paper ;D
glad we didnt really play? hehe.
but we laughed like hell la. cos i ate this pear. then it tasted like roots? x;
lol. it was damn sick. so rach tried, then she also cant stand it la.
then she threw it out of my house window. landed infront of a guy who was playing golf.
hahahahaha ! then the guy looked up for dont know how long sia.
laughed like shitttttt.
annette was totally pissed with her mum, and all the oldies. hahaha.
she said when she get married, all the ppl who come must like climb a flight of stairs first.
then she said all the old people will die halfway, esp her mum she say.
hahaha. and she say she want go whitesands tonight at 12am, kill herself.
she's crazy. and we crap like alot :D
it was damn funnnnnnnnnnnn. tmrw staying back to study againnn.
so ya. im in the mood to study now, so better continue my geog :D
cos i usually dont have the mooood. hehehe.
& mum's gonna take laptop tmrw ):
maybe its a good thing, as i need to go on a hiatus.
exams -.-

& to you:
please being so bitchy, for gods sake.
the guy you like dont even fckin like you.
and you try to make my friend jealous by talking to x
& getting x's number?
and you always backstab your friends
when you praise them on your blog?
what the hell? hypocritical rather?
whats wrong with you man.
gosh. all of us hates you, if you dont know(=

many thanks,
for making my day :D


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
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1. The person who tag/pass you is?:\ LOW SiRong.2....

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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn