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30.9.08 @ 2:37:00 PM

so far exams are okay, except science!?
gosh, no one expect it to be that hard?
annette say she pass, happy already.
haha! just hope i do well lah. omg.
left with literature -.- maths and geog.
such a big day,
celebated grandad's 70th, mine and callista's birthday in 4 seasons hotel.
damn excited and nervous also lah.
after school rushed to gramps house with sis and jansen.
ate there. alot was there. lol. wished grandpa happy birthday :D :D
after lunch went back home, bathe and stuff.
went to salon with mum and sis, in pp.
bought the tiara for me and tata, birthday girls(:
stayed in pp for like 3h+?!
cos need do hair and makeup, lol.
went home, change everything
slacked awhile then go to hotelll :D
super duper excited then.
took family pictures but its still with the photographer now -.-
the place was so grand, lol. and big. the stage esp.

alot alot of people came :O

when i started playing the piano part, it was freaking scary. my fingers were literally shivering, lol.
then sang, didnt sing hero. so sang 陪你看日出.
scary la at first :X but after that not so bad? ;p
winston and tata sang 老鼠爱大米, hahaha !

gave grandpa this big frame, from the 9 grandchildren :D yipeee.

guys & girls :D

birthday girls<3

jansen's my boyf(:

the guys did the speeches. haha. then gramps singg ;D
so we ate, then listen to people sing.
went home at around 9.30. when actually the thing ends at 11+
cos next day had exams. so we mugged(:
so good right xD
okay, i had truckloads of fun that day la.
i want a repeat(:

adults went to malaysia, genting to holiday.
haha. children stayed in singapore to study for exams.
good luck for PSLE joey :D
come in tk next year hah.
adults just came back yesterday night.
mum and dad going to china on wednesday. haha.
they go so many places lah. omg. so lucky.
i going to indo on 16th i think, to attend some wedding.
until the 19th? then back to school.
with sis and mum and dad. bro here cos got exams. haha !
after science exam, everyone was like discussing the answers.
almost the whole class were like talking about one MCQ question -.-
me, jerome, howard and faiz chose C la. then the rest chose A.
then "fight" like hell. hahaha. super fun la. that was when before paper 2 started.
after paper 2 end, everyone was so quiet, curse the paper.
guys went to look for mr weeeeee after paper 2. then yayyy ! the answer is C. hahaha, those who choose A, losers :)
okay not. haha.
after that everyone was pissed, so yanjie annette and rach came my house.
look at peoples blog and curse them. hahaha. shan't say who right xD
we played table tennis then. annette is gooood. hahaha.
we were super super mad. pictures with rach. i'll get them soon(:
so yes, i cant wait till exams are over. i cant wait till class chalet.
went for lunch in plaza sing, then mumy, daddy dropped me and lyn home to study !
mum called us what colour car we want.
then i was like "dad bought new car?!"
cos when they were in genting, uncle used it then kena crash.
ahha. actually sent for repair, but after deeep deep thinking, bought new car. haha.
so yeayyy. from E-Class to S-Class mercedes :D
actually wanted BMW, but dad dont want.
kaylie, got same car as you now. hahha.
bought black i guess :D
then new tv coming soon also.
yayy. new everything baby :D
cant wait for the new car to arrive. hahahaha.
tmrw grandma's birthday ! wouldnt be as grand as grandad's cos not 70? haha. usually the grand one is like 65,70,75 .. lol, weird.
got to go to her house in the morning. then at night dinner, wew.
& , i didnt reply tags yah, apologies :X
so yeah, gonna dinner now, such a long post.
if you bother reading till here, you're crazy :)


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
yesterday,stayed home whole day to mug siol ;xoky ...
I Want To Tell You,so yah. 2 posts in 1 day. kinda...
so changed blogsong. but sr still say not nice.hah...
hi people.SiRONG here.we decided to change pw.how ...
today stayed at home whole day, what the hell.stud...
never had band for a long time ): till exams over....
o6o8o9. had band at 10 :D went there till 4 only c...
back from japannnnnn :)gna blog about it now lah :...
yooooooo(:going japan tmrw, yay baby.miss all my f...
didnt expect home econs to be as fun as today.haha...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn