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29.8.08 @ 10:31:00 PM

going japan tmrw, yay baby.
miss all my friends here mannxzx ):
wanna go out with sirong after holidays to ice skatee :D
but cant go for band pracs.
went to cineleisure today, watched cyborg she.
then arcade-ed, then went to gramps and met everyone there for dinner and stuff.
thursday had band, practice indoor again. and that day my leg sprain uh. then must use slippers to school, omg la. was super duper pain. cant even walk properly. but now much better la :)
then just now went to gramps, then chloe was so cuteeee, omg. haha. she was like "sixty seven, sixty eight, sixty nine, sixty ten" hahaha ! cos she only k1(:
tmrw must wake up 5am, oh nooo ):
not used to it la. hehe.
and just finished packing for tmrw.
and gonna bring my chinese homework there sia, to do on plane, cos is just copying. haha.
CE got alot to do ayee ): ): need to do your targets, goals, achievements, all on powerpoint. super complicated la.
then history only 1 worksheet. lit need to do an essay! which is counted in end year results ! so must do real well, goshh. and no time to do ): must do it all when i come back from japan ):
so, got my results slip back :D
quite satisfied la, cos i was like the one who gave out all, then i think im 5th in class.
okay. not that happy not that sad. cos i was second.
english- 56.1 \ C5, super super super sad ):
chinese- 72.7 \ A2, still alright :)
geography- 64.0 \ B4, okay la, cos average in level is 48.4 ! hahaha !
history- 75.5 \ A1 :D
literature- 64.7 \ B3, not happy la la la. haiyo, everyone got so high D:
mathematics- 82.7 \ A1 :DD
science- 75.8 \ A1 :D
percentage: 70.2% (:
lit & english below average, shit la. pull my whole ave down.
so yeah, gonna sleep now, excited la :D
you people have fun in singapore yeah?(:
see you after holidays x3 !

29082008, 2210<3
when you made me believe
that true love do exist.


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn