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6.9.08 @ 11:14:00 PM

back from japannnnnn :)
gna blog about it now lah :D
can remember all la cos every night in japan will write in my phone, hah :D

so day 1: woke up at 5am to go to go airport, 6h flight siol, watched penelope on the way, slept, reached japan, waited super long for the bus. when reach hotel, immediately transferred bus to go to some shopping centre. then andrew asked me to flirt with japanese guys, fine la. cos he flirting with singaporean girls, hah. then wanted to buy this 78$ wallet, adidas, but singapore dont have one, heehehe. then mum dont allow at first. lol. didnt buy that day. then in the hotel winst english is like so broken, he said "close the lights" & "turn the curtains". hahahah! quite cute la ;p
day 2: woke up at 6.30am there which means 5.30am singapore. laze arnd for 20 mins, then had breakfast in the hotel. went to disneyland :D over there till 5.15pm sia. whole day. lol. didnt really dare to take the rides la, afraid of heights you know. heh. then was forced to take space mountain. thought i was gonna die man, shouted like hell. when lining up for the ride got like 4 escape pods,really wanted to escape man. haha. weather was so effin hot. then lyn was crazy over caramel popcorns, she bought like arnd 4 times. bought lots of souveniers, then went back to hotel, shopped a lil in the nearby mall. dinner-ed, everything was okay okay la. lol. after gng back to hotel, slacked alot. next day can wake up slightly later(:
day 3: breakfast was lousy. then went to somewhere, dont know how describe lah. then to some temple. stayed there for a while then beside it got alot of stalls. bought stuff then had lunch. steamboat :D japanese rice rockkkks! after that took a 15 mins ferry ride to some rainbow bridge. then went to osaka also, i THINK. heheh. went to some shopping centre, all the branded stuff siol. wanted to buy burberry wallet, ahhaha ! but its like 29000Y, which means 400$. mum dont allow, if mum wasnt there dad would have bought it, gosh. stayed there for arnd 1h plus, travelled to mt fuji which took arnd 3h. slept half of it, was so moody. lol. went to hotel, had dinner with a kimono, its a must, lol. but mum said i looked like a jap. hahaha. yay yay. changed then went to hot spring. guys and girls different places la. lol! water so hot almost fainted man. dont wanna talk much abt it, so sick and everything.
day 4: woke up late :X had breakfast in the hotel, headed for mt fuji, whih took arnd 1.5h. slept, hah. didnt get to see the mt cos was too foggy, and it was super cold la, so walked arnd there, bought 1 whole box full of stuff, hahaha. then went back. which took arnd 1h again, after that went to some temple, which took another 1h me and raydi stayed in the bus, we didnt even know the rest of the ppl got out of the bus, cos we 2 was sleeping. haha, all the 2nd child lazy lah :D when they come back from the temple then we woke ip. went for lunch then waked arnd the area. everywhere almost sell the same stuffs la. there is like famous for black eggs, lol. but i dont eat eggs :) so sick la. went to bullet train, journey took arnd 2h. halfway stop at some convenience store. but me and raydi was in the bus, sleeping. hahaha! didnt even know they went down :X then they bought food for us. hehehe. then took the 12 mins bullet train, so fast. gosh. 400+km/h. went to a 5-star hotel. yay (: dinner wasnt ready yet so went to the mall beside the hotel, bought the adidas wallet i wanted 2days back ;D hahaha. mum finally agreeeeed. although its 78$, but compared to the 400$ ofc much cheaper la. lol. then bought this checkered tee, so nice. satisfied man today. hahaha. went for buffet dinner, do some stuffs then slept. gotta wake up early tmrw.
day 5: mum woke us up like 30mins earlier, suppose to leave at 7.45 she thought 7.15, haiyo, so had slacking period after breakfast. had a long bus ride and went for some kimono show. had lunch nearby. it was like vegetarian food. sherlyn cant eat it then keep complaining, hahaha. so funny la. went to some place, they say its a temple, but its not. lol. only take pics there. they bought some good luck charm but didnt buy cos kuku hendi gave me before and i dont really belive in that(: while walking, glenndi and raydi made me laugh so hard till i drop my gum man. lol. went to another place, take pics, but we didnt go in, just walk arnd the shops. tourguide at first say cant go shopping at night then i sulk like hell, heh ;x then at last she made time for us to go, so we left htat place 30mins earlier then go shopping :D biggest shopping place in town man. can only finish shopping there in 1 day la. but she only gave us 1h plus. so didnt get to buy alot of stuffs ): went for steamboat dinner, lyn said it was the nicest meal so far. lol! went to hotel, so kiddy la. cos its near the universal studio and its all about it. lol. guys played poker at night, tmrw going uni studio(:day 6: only went to universal stufio, whole day there. spent so much time queueing for rides. 10am the place open already got alot of people sia, didnt expect it to be that crowded cos it was a weekday. lyn, raydi and frandi took the jurassic park ride, hahaha. got 25.9m drop leh. can die. ofc i didnt go lah. hhehe. scared of heights. mum at first say she will give me 50$ if i go for it man. should have gone right. hahaha. but i didnt. shit la. took shrek 4D, so cute la. then took alot more rides like jaws and alot more till it was 7 plus. went to souvenier shop, bought alot of stuffs, like hell man. then realised i lost my pendant from my necklace, damn la. liked it so much, argh. reach back hotel, had dinner, so fulling. lol. walk arnd near the shops in hotel, lyn bought caramel popcorns again, haha. that shop got like 32 flavours, me lyn and mum went to hard rock cafe to buy shirts while the guys went back hotel. lol. we 3 bought same shirt. hahaha. its so cooooool la. then bought for winst and dad too. hard rock cafe osaka :D bought for cousins too, bought drumsticks also. super cool :D spent alot in that shop. day 7: go back to singapore :D watched movies in the plane, hahahaha. cant say what. lol lol! only slept for the last 10 mins. lol. reached singapore arnd 6+, did my lit introuction only. still got alot more homework sia.
Its not because of who I am,
But because of what you've done.
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who you are.


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


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Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn