today stayed at home whole day, what the hell.
studied, but didnt absorb at all. wasnt concentrating.
;x lyn ate vegetables for lunch. hahahaha.
and abit of sushi. she's crazy over dieting lah.
madness. then evening she went gym, hahaha !
geog need to study alooooooot ):
history memorise like hell.
so today was boring ;x
rach, yanjie, annette came over do project! YOG.
jerome and faiz couldnt make it. lol.
rach+yanjie X faiz.
forget it if you dont gettit.
so we did the slides, for the presentation to teachers and some other ppl on wednesday.
me and annette took rach's phone then saw all her sms! hahahaha.
you wont expect to see what i saw in there ;p
it was funn ;D
till arnd 4. then i need to go out. rachel need to go out with *ehm*.
then went to gramps house to discuss on grandad's 70th.
practice to sing the song, arghh. and speech -.-
okay. then need to play piano.
gonna die man that day. infront of so many people.
arghhh. but all the grandchildren need to do it, so yah,
kayl and me siniging hero by mariah carey :D
then me and lyn singing some chinese song.
then lyn and kayl singing ljj song. lol.
cant wait for 290908 :D
& i downloaded alot of apps into phonee ;D
was browsing the photo album, cos need to pass kayl pics to give gramps for birthday.
then found lot of funny pics . hahaha !
during project in my hs :D
my grandfatherrr !
sister's 9th birthday;
jansen & winston so cuteeeeee :D
my daddy is funny lah, hah.
my first birthdayyyy! (=
hahahhaa. sick ;x sis & bro dont dare do ;p
5th birthday(=