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22.10.08 @ 3:32:00 PM

my 100th post :D
yesterday went home straight after school seh, very, guai right.
hah. xD

we played poker in class, tai-ti. heh. funnn :D
then arvind brought the simpsons dvd, watched during mr wee's period.
no one was really concentrating, joab brought laptop. lol.
mr wee didnt allow us to watch the movie aftr awhile,
cos got some sick parts. then he was like,
"uh, uh, its abit inappropriate yeah"
hahaha! so cant lo, but we were concentrating on the game,
so didnt really care much.
then i owned jerome in the car racing game, psp game.
hahaha,maybe cos i cheated abit la, hehehe, abit abit. xD
today still the same,
me, aaron, yong kang, jerome, joycelyn and faiz got in the councillor thing.
but then the teacher-in-charge said there were like too many sec 1 councillors,
she may like, "fire" some of us. haha. got 32, she wants only 25.
but i dont think she'll like "fire" 7, its alot sia.
she said she'll judge us during the council camp on uh, 17th and 18th yah.
on those 2 days, mr kajiyama coming to teach the band, so i need go for both. lol :x
then miss low told me im gonna be house leader, with parveen and gideon, idk who's gideon :x
sis is also :D haha.
rutherford shall and will win next year. hah.
after recess got some science talk, it wasnt really science? luckily. lol.
then miss heng ask me, yongkang and faiz help us sort out the report books.
cos she giving us back tmrw. i rank 5 :D yay. haha.
marcus first, ian second(he was first) haha, joycelyn third, jerome fourth, me fifth. haiyo.
okay but nevermind. at least i want top 5 and i got it. lol.
had pe today, played volleyball with the girls.
sec 2H guys played handball with my class guys. they bully them sia.
hmph. and yeah, they lost, but its only by abit. hah.
after that is mr wee's period, so some of us went down again, to play with the 1E people.
i got hit on my nose by that goal keeper from their team,
it was so shocking and pain man, i swear.
so after school got some councillor thing.
after that went to parkway with rashidah, hajar and uh, nifail, yeah.
need to buy those black heels for band concert in dec.
but its really really, not nice? :x like work one. ahhh.
but no choice, hah.
met kevin there! haha, kevin LEE(:
met my junior too xD he say he dont want go tk, hmph.
so, tmrw last day of school.
now watching tv while blogging,
tmrw have band, sec 1's combined. 4-6pm(:
and during concert we need to sing you raise me up and some jap song, gosh.
the sec 1's. hahaha. dont know if we can xD
& i welcome kaijun to join rutherford(:
since thats what he wants.
after getting tired of tagore *ehm ehm*



the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
haha, i changed everything yeah.first time seh, ch...
changing blog skin. haha. bertrand chose it -.-oka...
okay, so im gonna do a quiz now. haha. YZ senior a...
so mr weeee said the science mark changed :Dhe sai...
okay, had class chalet last week.lazy talk about i...
so far exams are okay, except science!?gosh, no on...
yesterday,stayed home whole day to mug siol ;xoky ...
I Want To Tell You,so yah. 2 posts in 1 day. kinda...
so changed blogsong. but sr still say not nice.hah...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn