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24.10.08 @ 6:12:00 PM

oh correction, last time was my 98th post,
so now its 99th. hehe,
so yeah, yesterday marks the end of my secondary 1 life.
wew, time flies very fast la. 1D became so bonded at the end of the year,
okay, is that the word to use, hmm, bonded. lol. okay wtvrxzx.
luckily we still have next year, right. haha.
next year,
im gonna be a senior,
im gonna be a councillor,
im gonna be a house leader,
i want to be a mugger,
i want to be a better friend,
i want to be a better daughter,
everythings changing, hope i can cope well.
so school ended early yesterday, went home first, with YJ.
cos need to go back school later on for band practice. 4-6. just sec 1s :D
with mr neo, the only conductor who released us early sia.
hahaha, so good right.
yeah, indoor practices have been slack for percussion, especially.
do not need play much. lol! and somemore we get to stand at the back.
so slack like, hell. hahaha.
was told that band practice tmrw is from 0800-1800?!
im gonna die man. how can how can how cannnnxz.
its like, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10h sia. 10hours, okay, i will survive(:
but its better than today right, i didnt do anything, stayed home,
woke up late, watched tv, read book, eat, slack and its like a continuous cycle, for the whole day. hah.
finished reading new moon, the 2nd book for twilight. its so gooood.
but the first book was much better, i guess im gonna watch HSM3 with my family this weekend.
and kaylie's gonna pass me the 3rd book xD yay! i cant wait to watch twilight, november 21!
but kaylie said shes gonna buy the pirated CD in indo too xD hahaha !
memorise abit of the japanese song we need to sing, what is that, yah, please give me wings or something like that.
gosh, im starting to remember
the times i had with my friends,
the times we got into trouble, together,
the laughters we had, and the tears we shed,
as one.
i hope next year, is going to be a better year ;
looking forward to go back indo on 4th December, and just relax there, without thinking of anything. wew.
cant wait for end of sec 4, hopefully, i can leave singapore. haha.
feel like going abroad for further studies, going to USA with kaylie next year to look at the school, cos next year she sec 4 already, good luck!
this is what i want now, maybe, it will be different then.
Tomorrow, will be a better day, right?

To 1D with love,
This year has been great, just to be with all of you,
i really miss those times,
hope you all, too.
But im sure, next year is gonna be a better one.
It's been fun, hanging around with you guys,
teasing the teachers together, getting scolded as one,
Yes, there were bad times,
but afterall, we're still a class, right?
Keep Smiling & Shining(:
iloveyou guys, i really do.

i do hate goodbyes` although its only temporary.


the extraordinary 14 year old.
29 September 95.



Tk Rutherford!
Tk Band 2011!


By post:
my 100th post :Dyesterday went home straight after...
haha, i changed everything yeah.first time seh, ch...
changing blog skin. haha. bertrand chose it -.-oka...
okay, so im gonna do a quiz now. haha. YZ senior a...
so mr weeee said the science mark changed :Dhe sai...
okay, had class chalet last week.lazy talk about i...
so far exams are okay, except science!?gosh, no on...
yesterday,stayed home whole day to mug siol ;xoky ...
I Want To Tell You,so yah. 2 posts in 1 day. kinda...

By month:
February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009


Images: Dawnoflights
Textures: swimchick lemon end sanami276 dearest masterjinn