so yah, today had band :D
at 9, had sectionals till 10, thn mr neo is it :x,
came to take us for combined, we warm up for like 1h+?!
lol. kinda boring at first, heh.
then we moved on to march together, it was okay,
followed up arioso, percussion didnt get to play much.
finally, warrior's dance. im playing the drumset for that.
hahaha. it was so so, hard. okay, challenging.
yah, its really fast, and was so confused, by the counting of bars, etc.
then i got this part wrong for so long, until the sec 1's and 2's were like, waiting for me to get it.
heh xD damien was so, speechless then. hahaha.
okay finally got it, after that went for lunch, at 12.30 i think. idk.
cant play from 1-4 cos got O levels.
so went for lunch till 2.30, in kallang Kfc.
on the way back started to rain, then we were late, as always la. lol.
so like, we were kind drenched, haha. then we went to our farewell group.
farewell thing for the sec 4's, yah. need to make up a game show/ skit / etc for them on the end of november.
my group is kinda scewed, maybe. hahaha, i really dont know.
went for masterclass then, at 4.
practice and stuff, but didnt get to play our songs, cos the teacher did the upper sec ones first.
then no time for ours, so yeah, she said she gona do our song on thursday :D
so, like when the sec 2s and 3s were playing their songs, we were like talking. haha.
mostly waihuin and uh, kevin, according to owen :x
but yah, me, esther and huiying, did talk too la.
at 6, when the teacher left, owen kinda scolded us,
haha, but yah, its our fault what, right.
we were told that must run 7 rounds around tech block.
yeah, fall out. then owen need to stayback a while,
so all of us waited for him, to like do our punishment or something, idk.
hahaha. do yeah, after that, he apologised to us, i mean, why should he right.
was kinda shock, lol, as in, he said that it was his partially his fault.
so yah, at last made us run 2 rounds only. so good eh xD
for sure next practice we wont dare already la. hahaha!
tmrw staying home, gonna throw all sec 1s book, clear up my roooom xD
yes, band on thursday(:
uh, everythings coming to me right now, cant really take it la yah.
i mean, ofc my friends are also important right.